Finally, after three days sitting in front of the computer and create a simple tutorial that is enough to make dizzy. For the moment I'm only producing an Indonesian version because many of my friends want to learn to make their own papertoy. Maybe in the future I will make a version in English.
Download :
Tutorial Papertoy
Tutorial Papertoy
is a term that isn't in English but I'm Spanish. Anyway, try to do something by looking at the pictures
@DePapercraftBlog : hey, would u like me to send the MS. Word format to u? and then u can translate it?
Thanks, i'll be very usefull. I can put the translated version in my blog in Spanish or English? or just for personal use?
@DePapercraftBlog : sure, u can put the translation version in your blog with the original source :D
sent some mail to me "spirit.us.company[at]gmail[dot]com" and i'll give you the .DOC format tomorrow :D
ok, i see tomorrow
@DePapercraftBlog : hey, check your email... :)
boss kalo mw download pencet yang mana yah? @@
thanks a lot.
hm.......look interesting, friend..
Masih ga ngerti gan, maksudnya bikin apan nih ?
Sesudah saya download baru ngerti sobat..... mantap sungguh kreatif sekali.... sukses yah sob
@Kang Epot : Thank you kang.. :D
very good article. good job friends.
ki$$ and vi$it me back fren ... ;) ;) ;)
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nice info dan bw malam buat sahabat , sudilah follow me and like my blog please :) ,add my facebook boleh juga:)
cool dude! thx for the awesome tutorial!
@sal : nuhun akang... :)
nice post gan,,slam kenal,,
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